The next scenes will take a bit longer, since it shows Mark pretending to be the next eccentric owner to lure new tourists. Conversely, you can agree to Du’Met’s nefarious plans.Kate will die after acid is poured inside her body, while Mark succumbs to poison gas. In the Ultimatum chapter, choose the “Defiant” and “Hostile” replies.Once you enter the lighthouse’s second-floor bedroom as Kate, choose to check Mark’s body.This ensures that only Mark and Kate are left. You can let them get eliminated as cited in the examples above, or find a different method (i.e., Jamie gets an axe to the head while attempting to save the dog or Charlie is left for dead as part of the Guilty achievement). It requires Erin, Charlie, and Jamie to die well before the Lighthouse chapter.This comes from the Ultimatum finale, an alternate branch of sorts. It shows Mark suffocating while inside a chamber. However, there’s one particular scene that comes from the Masked premonition.All you need to do is fail the QTEs while he’s reaching for the axe, or when he’s being pushed toward the blade.

Mark has several possible death scenes during the Lake finale, which is akin to the main branch or canon version of the finales.